Don’t make us ask you twice, come on. Just watch our Kendra Cole VR porn and chill out

There are some girls in the world who just happen to be blowjob queens and that’s exactly the type of woman that Kendra Cole is. It’s obvious from looking at her mouth that it’s had more dicks inside it than most girls have even seen. It’s something that this honey just loves to do and no one ever asks her to stop once she gets started. Her dream is to have long lines outside of her house with men coming in to get sucked off and just leaving after they drop their loads down her throat. It’s her greatest passion and it’s served her very well in all of her sloppy blowjobs VR porn clips. If there’s one person on the planet who deserves to be on SwallowBay, then it’s Kendra and her perfectly shaped mouth. Dicks just slide right in between her lips and then all of her practice kicks in. It’s the best mouth VR massage that anyone can ever have and Kendra is very well aware of that fact. That’s why it’s not strange to see her ... more

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