Best hard drives to store you SwallowBay porn

Best hard drives to store you SwallowBay porn - VR Porn Videos

If you’re the kind of person who likes to download all of the blowjob VR sex clips that he likes to watch on SwallowBay then you’re most likely in the market for a good hard drive. Keeping all of the files on your PC can take up a lot of space and there’s always the chance that someone else is going to end up finding them. That’s not what you want to happen, especially if you’re not the only person who uses the computer. The problem is that there are so many different options when it comes to hard drives. You want to make sure you’re getting the right one for your needs while not wasting a ton of money. That’s why it’s a good idea to really look into what makes a hard drive good enough for all of your blowjob virtual reality videos. The first thing you really want to do is make sure you’re getting a SSD, or solid state drive. These things are smaller than HDDs and they’re a whole lot faster at the same time. Once you get that part out of the way, there are few different drives for you to pick from to get the best one for you.

WD My Passport 4TB

The first one up is also the most affordable and all around great drive. It’s the WD My Passport 4TB and it’s small enough to fit right in the palm of your hand. If you want a drive that you can easily hide from anyone, this is definitely the option for you. Even better than that, it can hold a ton of your fellatio virtual reality scenes. It will take a very long time for you to fill it up and you never really have to worry about running out of space. It’s a full 4 terabytes of space is a tiny package that you really can’t overlook. When you’re in need of a quick and easy to watch blowjob VR video, all you have to do is plug it into your device. It doesn’t require any external power and you can automate the backups so you never lose your data. It may not be the fastest or most powerful drive on the planet, but at the price you’re paying, you just can’t do any better than this option. Give it a long, hard look and make sure you have a reason to pass it up.


Next up, we have the ADATA SE800 1TB. This is drive for the guy who wants to jerk off on the go. It’s a rugged SSD that can take falls, water damage, and dust better than any other drive on the market. If you’re traveling somewhere or just like to carry your SwallowBay girls with you, this is the drive that you need to get for yourself. It’s never really going to let you down and you just can’t go wrong with that. It’s not massive, but the one terabyte of space of more than enough to store plenty of VR porn movies to keep you going. Just load it up before you pack it away and you’ll be able to blow your own load as soon as you get to your destination. The only problem is that the drive can suffer from some performance drops when it’s running for a long time. That’s not really a problem for you, though. Unless you’re really edging yourself for hours on end, then you’ll never have it going long enough to give you an issue. It’s perfect for loads on the go and will easily fit into any travel bag that you have.

Samsung T5 SSD

The last drive to look at for all of your SwallowBay needs is going to be the Samsung T5 SSD. If you know anything about electronics then you know that Samsung is an expensive brand and this SSD is no different. This is really the drive for the person who wants everything in one package, and isn’t afraid of paying for it. It’s rugged, tiny, and has the kind of performance that you’ll never have to worry about or even think about. The five terabytes of space is more than enough that you’ll ever need for the blowjob VR porn that you love. It will store it all and you’ll never have to think about backing it up. It connects through USB 3.1, so you’re getting lighting fast data speeds that you can’t get anywhere else. It’s really the premium option for all of your storage needs and the girls will always be just a few seconds away from sucking you off when you have this. If you already have a premium headset then this is what you need to go with it. Make it your birthday gift to yourself and you won’t regret it.

Image source: KIMORA QUIN VR

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