You are most probably all well conscious of the fact that by spending your precious time here, on Swallowbay, watching your favourite girls making you the best fellatio possible you contribute significantly to the future, you create it. It can be said without any apprehension, that over time, virtual reality technology is going to only get better and better, being developed by the best IT engineers all over the globe. This brings us to the main point of today’s reflections. Will the VR porn industry thrive alongside it as well or not? In which ways is it going to develop and, first of all, what is it going to mean for all of you guys?
Education is the future
There is no doubt about the fact that VR blowjob videos are going to last all of us. Why? To make the long story short, they make our society much better than it would be otherwise. Their influence on our everyday life is simply overwhelming. On the face of it, porn may appear as a form of having pure fun. However, the educational values that those videos convey are undeniable. By watching the girls doing you the sucking, you learn plenty of things that you may use right after finishing having fun with Swallowbay’s chicks. You can teach your partner the art of fellatio in a way how it is supposed to be done correctly. It’s said that porn girls are the best teachers. If you have ever studied in the university, or in general, if you participated in the public educational system, you know from experience that schools tend to teach people too much theory. The case of our girls here is completely different. As you well know, they put their attention into practice. Oh, plenty of it, actually. Sometimes you may be so immersed in practising some freshly acquired abilities that you may completely omit the theoretical part. Oversights happen, you know. That’s actually a fault of a teacher, not of a student, but in my humble opinion, we can forgive her it, this time at least. So endearing professors don’t come across you too often, so we should be considerate.
Where is it all heading for?
Towards more pleasure, of course. The main objective of us all is to deliver some pleasure to tired man, who has been working for all they long. Everyone deserves a perfect, sensual blowjob. Isn’t it perhaps written down in the Bills of Rights? That is the main reason why the development of that ultra-high definition videos is about to increase in quality exponentially. New porn toys, more cutting-edge VR devices. And acquiring more experiences by all the girls alongside all that process. If you think that they are absolutely great already, you are totally right. But just imagine. They are going to be even better in doing you the sucking. That may seem incredible, but all the facts indicate that very thing. The appetite grows with eating, as they say. And what does it mean for you? The girls’ hunger is going to be only more and more substantial, which means that you will have your cocked pleased not only more times but also by more-experienced girls. You see, they will start fighting for you. For your attention, for your delicious load. You will have more than enough opportunities to get yourself into all of those tight pussies. What is also important to mention is your influence over those girls. By having your shaft in their throats so often, it is natural that with time they will develop much better assimilation of it. Hence, their throats are going to grow bigger and longer to deliver you much better deepthroat blowjob experiences, and additionally, their guts will digest your cum much better. Once they receive energy by digesting your load, they will use it to suck you even better and to get much more of it. If someone says physical laws don’t allow Perpetuum Mobile to exist, here is the proof that it can. As you can see with your own eyes, these babes can make wonders. And that wonder isn’t the last one they are about to do in their careers.
Image source: PENELOPE KAY VR