Where most porn fails

Where most porn fails - VR Porn Videos

No matter how much porn you watch, you’re going to notice a pattern that emerges pretty quickly. It’s something that happens in way too much of it and it can completely ruin your time. You won’t find it in the blowjob VR sex clips that you can watch in SwallowBay, but its most of what you can get anywhere else. This one big thing is the fact that the vast majority of women in regular porn just refuse to finish the job themselves. It’s a massive letdown every single time you’re getting to the end of a porn video and have to watch the guy pull out and jerk himself off. No one ever wants to see that. There’s no reason at all that you should be forced to watch a man masturbate right before the money shot. That’s why you’re never going to see it when you watch your blowjob virtual reality videos here. Each and every girl on this site wants to finish you off and they take a whole lot of pride in it. If one of the blowjob girls serving you here had to sit back and watch you jerk off at the end, she’s going to be crushed at her inability to take you all of the way home.

VR makes it hard to do

The best thing about fellatio virtual reality scenes is the fact that it’s next to impossible to even have the guy jerk off at the end. That’s because VR is all about letting you take over the scene and be part of the action as it happens. You’re supposed to be able to lose yourself in it and never question whether or not it’s real. When you let the guy in the VR video jerk off, it’s going to rip you right out of the moment. You’ll be extremely confused as to where the hand suddenly came from and you won’t be able to live out the sexual scenario. That’s a really good reason to only watch blowjob VR videos, really. It’s a sure way to make sure that the girl you’re watching is always going to finish you off. You’ll never have to deal with the disappointment of having to watch someone stroke himself and you just can’t beat that. These girls will always finish you off and you can’t find that anywhere else on the internet, no matter how hard you’re trying to find it.

Interactive sex toys are just insurance

On top of the fact that it’s all VR, SwallowBay also lets you use interactive sex toys that sync with your VR porn movies. Any kind of toy that you get is going to react to everything that’s happening on the screen. That’s what makes them so amazing. The toy basically becomes the girl and it’s doing every single thing that she does on the video. That means that it would be a pretty bad thing if the guy ever has to jerk himself off to cum. He’s going to grab onto his shaft and your toy is going to react to it. Then he’s going to jerk off and your toy will be giving you the same exact sensations. That really means that you’re getting your dick stroked by a man at the end and he’s going to be the one to make you cum. No one is ever going to let that happen to themselves. You’re playing with girls because that’s what you’re into. No one is ever going to ruin your entire day by getting your dick stroked by a guy. It’s just one more reason that you’ll always know that the girl you choose is going to get you off at the end.

You can look for yourself

If you’re so used to men jerking off at the end of the porn then you might need some proof that you don’t have to worry about it here. You can see it all right now and know that you’ll never have to deal with that again. You can watch any video that you want and you’re always going to be treated to the girl finishing the job at SwallowBay. Pick any blowjob VR porn and prove it to yourself. It’s the best way to know that you can just go from video to video and never have to look away at the end. It’s exactly what you’ve been looking for and it’s all right here. The girls on this site want to give you everything they have and that includes the actual orgasm. Just let your favorite girl do her thing and she’ll always take your load from you at the end. You just need to experience it all once and you’ll be hooked on girls that always make sure they suck and jerk out your cum for you.

Image source: GIA DERZA VR

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