Benefits of Sideways Missionary Position

Benefits of Sideways Missionary Position - VR Porn Videos

Let me explain to you while thinking about stuff is useless and what cum swallow VR porn videos have to do with the subject.

Envy. Vexation. Anger. At a guess, they ring a bell in your head, don’t they? Well - they are just names taught to you by parents, teachers, neighbors, and so on. Just a description of what you are feeling at the moment, extracted from your past, to label the something that is going inside you at the moment. Now, think for a second. What if we got rid of it? Not by philosophy, not my psychology, and certainly not by any form of therapy. What if we made a beeline for living in a state of pure consciousness by indulging in big tits VR porn, huh? Okay, okay. I am too fast, aren’t I? I can hear you saying, “And what the hell does it have to do with the Sideways Missionary Position, huh?”. Sure, it is a vital question, and we will delve into it in no time. First things first, though - why don’t we kick the subject off by shattering to pieces everything you have ever known to this day? The cage you are locked in with a key hanging on your neck? The ego. Here is the ultimate guide on how to obliterate at last - and why you should consider doing it in the first place.

Please, tell me - how many of you out there keep waiting for something? Even if it is PSVR VR porn?

In Matrix, there is a scene that went down into the annals of the history of cinematography. Well, maybe not - but at least it still lingers in my memory, which is a considerable achievement, I must admit. What am I talking about? The conversation between Neo and the oracle. She tells him, in a quite straightforward way, “You are not the one. You keep waiting for something. What? I don’t know. Maybe another life. That’s how it usually goes.” The brutal truth is that it is the predicament most of us find ourselves in. Always wanting to be somewhere else and awaiting the better times to come. Absent. Only at the moments such as entering Swallowbay are you truly present - paying attention to every single detail of our anal creampie VR clips, being here and now, without escaping from what-is to some pictures created in your mind. After all, please tell me - what is desire if not just another vision created by your brain to carry you away from being present? Ponder it for a second.

No more obscuring the truth - our blonde VR videos will lead you directly to it.

It is essential to make a beeline for consciousness. Why? Let me explain. In the paragraph above, I mentioned something about the Matrix, didn’t I? It wasn’t for no reason, trust me. Because, at least as far as I am concerned, that movie depicts our reality more accurately than anything else created by Hollywood. Sure, I am not speaking about the AI using us as the source of energy (but who knows??). No. I mean the part about how we are wired by Mother Nature. Always absent, thinking about something other than the actuality. An average person (one who doesn’t watch our gangbang VR scenes) normally moves between deep unconsciousness and hollow unconsciousness, never truly experiencing what it is to be aligned with the being, to “break free,” as Freddy Mercury once said. Needless to say, Swallowbay’s petite VR scenes will facilitate the entire process. Wanna learn more? Stick around, and I will feed your insatiable curiosity with juicy details.

Human life can be beautiful - as long as you include in it Latina VR porn.

Sadhguru once said, “If compulsive thoughts are attacking you, instead of pushing the darkness out of the window, put on the light.” Basically, folks, it is that simple. What most of us do, though, by attending therapy sessions, etc., is devising new systems on how to push it away. We keep coming up with new ideas on how to get rid of it, racking our brains over the past, and… Well, you know it better than I, don’t you? On Swallowbay, we say “no” to all this effort. It is futile - to say the least. Krishnamurti once said, “Thought is creating a problem, and then thought is creating ways how to obliterate it.” Don’t you see how silly it is? So what if, instead of trying to do the foolish thing of pushing darkness out of the window… we nip the problem in the bud by putting on the light? What am I suggesting by it? That is pretty simple - enlightenment, my dear friend. Enlightenment. That is the very purpose why these big booty VR scenes were created in the first place.

The fight is over. No more struggle, no more endless conflict - no, when stockings VR porn scenes are here

They are the only tool that can reliably end all this combat. Please close your eyes for a second and take a deep breath, concentrating yourself on it entirely… If any thought tries to interfere, instead of saying, “Shut up, bitch” simply observe it without any judgment whatsoever. And then behold! It disappears. Without effort. Without vexation. Silence, blessed silence. That is what your entire life is gonna look like when you add to it our Japanese VR videos. Sounds appealing? Then, watch how it becomes reality. Dostoyevski is known for saying, “Humans are creatures capable of getting accustomed to almost anything.” Yet, Mr. Dostoyevski claimed such a ludicrous thing only for one reason - because he didn’t have access to ASMR VR clips that we’ve got for you, boys. One cannot be bored with them, even after jerking off to them every single day. Sounds unbelievable? Well, if you are baffled or incredulous at the moment, just go and take a look at them on your own. Then, you will understand, no doubt about it.

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