Discovering the benefits of the Sitting Lotus Sex position

Discovering the benefits of the Sitting Lotus Sex position - VR Porn Videos

If you are bored with your sex life, then we strongly suggest you try a new sex position – Sitting Lotus, which can be watched in our 360 VR porn.

The boredom that sneaks into our sex lives Is a usual thing that happens with most couples. It will happen to you too, as it is almost inevitable. I bet that there were times in which your sex was lacking the passion that used to be between you two, thus here comes the Sitting Lotus position. Not only does it make you feel incredibly close to one another, but it also can make your girl way more stimulated than she usually is. If you need some help with how or when to perform it then you should try to watch some of our Curvy VR porn – those girls surely do know how to make their man cum. But coming back to this incredible position… It is one of those which you will instantly love or hate… there is no in-between. For those of you who choose to try it, and then fall in love with the stimulation that it provides, congratulations on finding your new favorite position! For those of you who do not like it, try maybe some of the variants which we prepared for you.

What if Sitting Lotus doesn’t work, and you want to go back to watching Masturbation VR videos?

Well, The solution is simpler than you could ever expect. Just try to do it in a different place or way, from changing the stance of the male party to maybe sitting down and letting your girl be the one who shows how it should be done. The possibilities are endless, so just make sure that she is okay with what you are doing. After having various lotus techniques tested, you will be able to choose together the one that was the best for you two and enjoy it in the next intercourses you have. Yet, just like in every Threesome VR clip, you will have to watch out for what is being done to you. If you stop paying attention, you can accidentally get your dick bent and crushed – that will result in more painful sex than a pleasurable one. And as you know, most of us aim to have pleasurable intercourse than those that hurt us severely. Thus, watch out for what you are doing and have some great sex, please!

For those who still are unsure how to do Lotus, try to glance through our Full Episodes VR porn, there it will surely be featured.

Yeah, so if the instructions are unclear, you know what to do. But I’ll take a bit of your time to show you a quick tutorial on how to have a great sitting lotus position performed. Firstly, you will sit down, and let your girl sit on you. This is a position that is more about being close together, than penetrating your girlfriend, so let her grind on you. Here she will be the dominant one and you are just there to touch her around and show her that right now there are no sexier women than her! After she sits on you, put your dick right into her pussy and let the grinding start. She will surely enjoy how you treat her with this one – without being penetrated. If this position causes you any discomfort or pain, then just discard it and go to another sex position, sometimes we are not made for the exact type of sex. Remember that it is 100% okay and you do not have to be afraid that now she will hate you. It is not a body cumshot VR porn, but a real-life situation!

If you were to have a sitting lotus position right now, would you fancy one with a girl from Asian VR porn?

Asian girls are known for being incredibly stretched. Not only can they bend in shocking ways, but they also know all of those secrets which Japanese VR porn has taught them. From the wild variety of positions to how to be sexy, they are surely ready to change your view on sex. But there is one position that makes them go crazy, and you guessed it, it’s the sitting lotus. That one position just makes them love you even more than they would love you normally – it is a recipe for getting your Asian wife. Seriously. But it has its cost – you will not be cumming that hard, especially if you are experienced penetrative sex enjoyer. This may just not be for you. You have to consider it and think if this kind of trade is for you – an Asian girl for a sitting lotus position. For me, it is an easy answer, but some may have a hard time with that!

End your day with a great sexual position, just like in our Milf VR porn videos.

So, you would be down for some of that sitting lotus right? There is no better choice than turning on some of the greatest videos ever recorded. All of them are on our site. With their help, you will not only satisfy your inner horniness but also train the sitting lotus position. As we concluded, this one will enhance your sexual life in a way that is quite hard to describe, but trust me, you will love the results. In the end, there is nothing to lose by trying new things. If you have ever taken part in any Interactive VR porn, then you know what it looks like – you have a chance to virtually bang a hottie. It does not differ at all from normal sex, thus you can enjoy it at any given moment. Just have your VR set with you and you are all set. Sometimes, it can be even better than average intercourse, as the girls who work in that kind of porn are insanely hot, you will love your time with them, especially when they show you all of the secret positions.

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