The Art of Mutual Masturbation: Building Intimacy Through Shared Pleasure

The Art of Mutual Masturbation: Building Intimacy Through Shared Pleasure - VR Porn Videos

Employing mutual masturbation in your banging routine might result in an outstanding idea.

Oftentimes, things that we thought were boring turn out to be the very opposite. Needless to say, that is the case with mutual masturbation. Personally, I have met many folks who switched from the conventional way of having sex to handjob VR porn. Why? There are many causes. Tonight, we are gonna tackle as many of them as possible, leaving you with vast knowledge on this utterly intriguing subject. In the end, you know what they say - savvy combined with expertise leads to an excellent erotic VR experience. Okay, okay - people don't say that; I have just made it up a moment ago. Doesn't matter, though - as long as it is true, it is fine. People will have time to come to their senses and start saying it as well. Now, without any further ado or endless beating about the bush, why don't we cut to the chase? After all, there is quite a lot to learn when it comes to mutual masturbation. Ready for this little naughty adventure of ours? I sincerely hope so!

One can discover many things about oneself by indulging in mutual masturbation.

Examples? Here they are - first of all, what kind of pleasure you are really into. Sloppy blow jobs VR porn videos lead us to believe that every single one of us will love a sloppy bj in real life. However, this might not always be the case. Tranquilo, chicos, tranquilo! Don't yell at me! Don't throw your laptop or phone or whatever you are using to read this lovely article out of the window! I am solely stating facts, nothing more. If your cock is not interested in mutual masturbation and is inclined towards hairy pussy VR porn, that's okay. I have no problem with that. The only issue I am trying to address here is that not everyone is the same. Some of us are into mutual masturbation, whereas others are not. It is natural. There is nothing wrong with it (not to mention that the division between good and bad is just an artificially created dualism by the mind, but let's leave that for later). Thus, do what you are into, caballeros (as long as you cause no harm, of course - I was saying it strictly in the context of lollipop VR porn.)

One becomes happier thanks to mutual masturbation.

It might seem to be a dauntless claim, but hey - I can explain it; we have all the time in the world. Why not spend a while delving into why mutual masturbation is so beneficial for us? As far as I am concerned, there are few subjects in the area of masturbation VR porn is of greater importance. Thus, grab yourself a sit and let the lecture begin! Just kidding, just kidding. Fellas, it is not a lecture. I don't want you to absorb scientific facts without you having a profound understanding of each of them. Okay? It is absolutely ESSENTIAL. Without it, we cannot proceed. Knowledge is useless unless you see it working on your own. Then, facts cease to be mere facts and become a living truth. Needless to say, the same will happen to mutual masturbation. Once you take part in this act (our body cumshot VR videos are exquisite for that purpose), everything I have talked about and what I am about to say will become crystal clear. Let's move on.

Most of us are unaware of how astoundingly satisfying mutual masturbation is.

Saying that it is delightful is an obvious understatement. As far as I am concerned, it is one of the best ways of banging. Sure, I realize how many men out there would say that it is not masculine or another nonsense of this sort. However, what they don't realize is that it is just another belief implanted in their heads by the conditioning they received. If it wasn't for that, their minds - and therefore cocks - would be able to relish mutual masturbation to their heart's content without doubts or worries of any sort. If we were given by Mother Nature herself the ability to enjoy ourselves with skinny VR porn, then why the hell not embrace this opportunity? Why not seize it? Why not have fun together? It is high time we went beyond conventions, gentlemen. It is high time we liberated ourselves from the prison of prejudice.

If beliefs are blocking you from having fun with mutual masturbation, here is what to do.

First of all, you must understand what is actually going on. Why are you feeling blocked? What causes it? Without this critical first step, moving on is out of the question. Here is the truth, fellas - comprehending the machinery of thought is absolutely pivotal. In the end, we use this tool on a daily basis, right? Nevertheless, very few people are interested in what they are actually doing and why they are thinking the way they do. Hence, if one wishes to freely enjoy oneself in the lovely act of mutual masturbation, then one must start with the very centre that creates the whole havoc. How should you tackle the subject? Opt for cum on face VR porn - it will clarify the mischief that your thoughts are indulging in on a daily basis, no doubt.

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