The Thrills of the Cliff Diver Sex Position

The Thrills of the Cliff Diver Sex Position - VR Porn Videos

Are you bored with the repetitiveness of your sex life, and do you have to watch Interactive VR porn?

If the answer to both questions is yes, then whether you are gay or straight, you should try to explore the thrills of the cliff diver sex position. Why? Well, because this one is not only an exhausting workout for you and your partner, but it can also make you both feel the burning flame of sexual desire for each other. This position can do miracles for couples that got into the stale routine of fucking once a month or a week… If you are lucky enough that your sex life thrives, then you can try this one too, as it will make your intercourse more interesting. This position can be learned from our AR VR porn, or from this article, where I will do a deep dive into all of the possibilities that the cliff diver can provide you with. Trust me, it is not going to make you regret this choice, rather you will be pleased with the results of how your partner is organizing! But that will be described more precisely in the latter part of this article.

Does Handjob VR porn help with Cliff Diver position?

Although I have no idea how it affects that exact type of sex, I do know how to perform this position. Firstly, I need to tell you that this one is recently the most researched way of having sex in the whole American VR porn scene. Although it is not surprising, it may be considered a fun fact for many. So when you go to the next party, make sure to use that to make new friends and to bring out the positive atmosphere in the crowd. But coming back to what is the most important thing today – cliff diving – we are going to talk about how to do it. Firstly, you will make your partner lie down while you are standing. Then, put his or her feet on your shoulder and stand up. With their whole body mass being on the upper part of the back and their shoulders, you will start to lift them higher and higher. Do that until their ass is on the level of your dick. The next part should be quite logical – put your dick into their butthole or slip it into that wet vagina and start to fuck them with reasonable force. Both of you will get quite tired in this one, so make sure that your stamina is on a decent level before even considering this position!

How can a man get over Masturbation VR porn? Just show them how to use the Cliff Diver position in bed.

If your partner is struggling with the addiction to full episodes VR porn, or any other type of explicit content, then teach him to do Cliff Diver. It is almost guaranteed that he or she will fall in love with this one. After one try, the deal is sealed – your beloved one is going to demand that position constantly. This may be due to the strength of orgasm that this type of intercourse gives. It is very strong and almost unexpected. As you do not feel the penetration and rubbing that much, cum may show up without any previous notice. If you are into that type of stuff then make sure to train your stamina a bit. The worst case scenario is being enthusiastic to try new things in bed, and then realizing that you cannot do it. It demolishes the morale and the happy spirit that was built up during the day. Hopefully, though, you will not have that kind of a problem and your Cliff Diver will end up with huge loads of semen being shot onto the floor.

If you are into Curvy VR porn, then Cliff Diver position will be a perfect fit for you.

You may wonder, why is that? But the answer to that question is surprisingly simple. In all of the Athletic Body VR and Bikini VR porn, there is a big emphasis on how bodies look while doing the deed. In a cliff diver position, both of the bodies that take part in that sex are shown from their best-looking sides. Thus, making each participant even more horny. Whether the couple is homosexual or heterosexual, they are going to make each other go harder and harder. It is not a usual sight to see your partner bent in that hard kind of a position. Another aspect is that this one uses a lot of muscles, and almost everybody likes to see their partner’s muscles being worked up and stressed. It is just a sexy look that anybody will appreciate. So, get back to having sex and show your partner who is the dominant one! You have no time to lose.

What if you are like all those skinny VR porn actors and can’t handle the hardship of Cliff Diver?

That is not a problem, you just have to hit the gym. If you are lucky, then your experience will be similar to those of the Milf VR actors – fucking in the gym space must feel very special. Yet, the chances of you being that blessed are almost negative. So, take up some kind of a course and build up a bit of muscle mass. If you are gay, then there is the probability of you needing a bit more strength. If your partner is skinny, your change in strength with him or her is going to be visible in a few weeks. For me, this sacrifice is worth it. The long-term benefits win with the cost of time and your sacrifices. Thus, you should just buy that membership now and work for your loved one. That sex will change not only yours but their life too! What are you waiting for? You have to become the best cliff diver that the sex industry has ever seen!

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