Boobs or butt?

Boobs or butt? - VR Porn Videos

Humanity has been always struggling with answering this one - boobs or ass? Which one is better?

Oh, man. Honestly, you couldn’t have asked a tougher question than this one. Comparing these 2 world wonders is like... Well, I don’t even find words adequate to describe it. In the end, why would you even do that? Shouldn’t we, instead, relish both of them equally? In the end, Cadence Lux VR porn videos give you the perfect opportunity for doing precisely that. There, you are not coerced into making such a poignant choice. Instead, our girls offer you both of their assets. Thanks to this procedure, on Swallowbay you don’t have to ask yourself all day long „What do I like more - boobs or butt? No, we are done with it in 8k VR clips. Don’t squander your time on such nonsense. It’s too clumsy, too shabby. Butt or boobs? Who really cares? Yet, if you are so curious about it, I will do my absolute best to answer this question. At least as long as I don’t get a major booner thinking about it. Then, things would get quite problematic...

If you were wondering why are men attracted to ass, I am here to equip you with the right tools for answering it

So, my horny amateur VR apprentice - what do you want to know? Oh, okay, of course - you want me to tackle the centuries-old question „boobs vs butt”. Man, it will take us a longer while. As one of the major ancient philosophers said in one of his writings:

„Answering which one is better - boobs or ass - is like fighting with a crocodile. You can win, but at what cost?”

It is not a felony to try, though. Sure, it might cost you an arm or a leg - but, apparently, you don’t care so much about it, do you? As the old saying goes - curiosity killed the cat. Needless to say, in full episodes VR porn videos no one is going to hurt you - but still, beware of your curiosity. Sometimes it’s just better not to ask which of those 2 - boobs or butt - is better. Especially, since on Swallowbay you can satiate your desire for both of them. In fact, easier than you might imagine at first.

Don’t be rusty! Asking the „boobs vs butt” question is getting childish at this point

My horny friend, I am being honest with you right now. There is absolutely no necessity to sulk in your room, whispering to yourself „Christ! Which one is better!?! Boobs or ass????”. Trust my judgment, please. In the end, that’s not how you want to spend your spare time, do you? Wouldn’t it rather be better to, for instance, indulge in handjob VR porn videos? As far as I am concerned, my lad, this option is much more... desirable, for both of us. I, for instance, wouldn’t have to answer why are men attracted to ass and you - well, your little light sabor down there would certainly show you his utmost gratefulness for such a solution. However, if, notwithstanding my words, you are still motivated to delve into the „boobs vs butt” subject, you are welcome. In Ana Foxxx VR porn videos you will certainly find the answer you are looking for so desperately. Besides - it’s a great place for engaging in better activities than solely answering questions... If you know what I mean.

A recent study done at American universities shows clearly - it’s not so simple to decide between butt or boobs

The numbers are staggering. The research was conducted on 1 million American students and, strangely enough, 50% of them opted for boobies and the other 50% (yes, I know you might have already guessed it - but let me finish) chose ass. So, how the hell am I supposed to answer you which one is better - butt or boobs - if Americans are equally divided? Really - when you delve into the subject, it’s worse than politics. I know that your anticipation for getting the final answer might have already hit the roof but I can’t do anything about it. Instead, I can suggest you something different and much more appetizing - big tits VR porn videos. I know it might be getting tedious at this point. However, consider it for a second - my lad, I entreat you! We are not at university anymore - asking why are men attracted to asses is, thus, pointless. Can I be entirely sincere with you? No one gives a damn about it on Swallowbay. Instead, we prefer much more to pay our undivided attention to 360 VR clips. Why wouldn’t you do the same?

Needless to say, discussing the „butt or boobs” matter is perfect for a meeting at a bar

However... however... On Swallowbay, seriously? Do you truly expect to find the ultimate response to your doubts anywhere else but in Bridgette B. VR porn videos? My lad, my dear chap... Time is of the essence here, don’t you think? Were I you, instead of reading this horseshit, I would go for the content we’ve got for you on Swallowbay. As soon as you land your horny hands on these babes, you will be able to paint the walls with your cum, trust me (I have done it myself a few times already). No one on planet Earth will give you a more sophisticated answer than our bombshells. Boobs vs butt? „Why wouldn’t you have both, honey?” - that’s precisely what you are going to hear each time you dare to open your mouth. Both of us realise at that point that your cock can’t wait a second longer, can it? Release the tiger, my lad! And let it devour its lecherous prey - the iPhone VR porn videos it’s been waiting for.

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